We organize such a virtual hackathon the second time to discover innovative digital and hardware ideas for something as fundamental to human beings as sex. Last year we faced pandemic when people were socially and physically separated. As the Covid-19 pandemic lasts, we, even more, need to find new and innovative solutions in reproductive health and sexuality area. Our bodies, our feelings, our relationships… there's so much room for improvement! A diverse range of voices and ideas are urgently needed to find new and innovative ways to use technology to deliver sex education, products and services for sexual health and wellness, assault reporting and privacy... read more.
We are inviting all the innovators, developers, engineers, designers, project managers & everyone to participate and show us how you would solve various challenges.
Hackathon Challenges
Privacy and safety
Challenge #1
Privacy and safety are essential for our private life and intimacy. Do you have an idea of how to protect our privacy and help to fight against harassment in the real and digital world?
Challenge #2
It all starts with education. How to better educate on this delicate subject? How to make this process interesting and engaging?
Challenge #3
Health is the most precious thing we have. How to protect it? How to raise public awareness of the importance of reproductive health?
Challenge #4
Technology brings new opportunities and amazing experiences! Apps, Platforms, AI, AR, VR, Block-chain, IoT and hardware solutions... possibilities are limitless! Time to discover new horizons!
18:00 Hackathon official opening event + Matchmaking and team formation 19:00 Idea and team submission closed 20:00 Hackathon team list announced 20:00 Workshop "How to hack !? Tips, Tricks and Tools." 22:00 Checkpoint 1
10:00 Checkpoint 4 + Mentors 1:1 sessions 15:00 Video pitch submission 19:00 Award ceremony
How You can get involved?
Let's build together an inclusive, healthier society, as well as a safer and more enjoyable private life. Are you in?
Become a Participant!
We are inviting all the innovators, developers, engineers, designers, project managers & everyone to participate and show us how you would solve various challenges.
Registration closed
Become a mentor
We're looking for mentors to help teams deliver better results! If you're an expert in any field and you are willing to share your know-how with our teams, sign-up as a mentor.
Let us know if your company is interested to help this event happen and in receiving more information about partnership/sponsorship opportunities and options.
This Hackathon is a great opportunity to get prizes and meet your next team member or investor. The best teams of SexHack 2021 will get valuable prizes and perks from our partners to develop ideas further and change the world - Fast-track tickets to Startup Wise Guys pre-acceleration program, a free ticket to WindHackers Summer Innovation Camp, fast track ticket to Prototron program (In the program, participants will get mentor support and the best teams will compete for financial support of up to € 35,000) and a lot of surprise prizes. As Partners still apply full list of prizes will be announced shortly before the hackathon!
The smartest people work hard to provide the best hackathon experience and make You happy!
What is a hackathon?
A sprint-like 48h event where participants team up and create solutions to real-life challenges in an intense period of time. Using creativity, technology and mentoring, the weekend results in prototypes, fresh new concepts and innovative usages of tech.
What is an online/virtual hackathon?
In an online or virtual hackathon, all participants are remotely connected. Irrespective of their location, hackathon enthusiasts can participate and demonstrate their skills on an online hackathon platform using various tools.
Who can participate?
We welcome people of all job descriptions, whether you're a designer, developer, marketer, entrepreneur, project manager, therapist or sexologist. Diverse groups often work incredibly well together to produce the best results. You must be at least 18 years old.
How big should be the team?
We find that a team of three to five works best. It's large enough to have diverse skills, yet small enough to get to know your team members well in a short space of time.
What if I sign-up alone or don't have a team?
Don't worry if you don't know anyone attending. Teams will be formed before hackathon and during hackathon. There will enough time to mingle and get to know other attendees and ideas.
Do I need to be able to code?
You can participate with any level of IT skills, even if you haven't written a single line of code. Understanding the basics of IT is a plus.
During this hackathon can I work only on new ideas or on an existing product or solution?
It will be allowed to develop both new ideas and improve existing products and solutions. In the case of existing solutions, especially will be evaluated the work done during the hackathon. This event is not intended to promote commercially available products.
Is participation free of charge?
Participation in the event is free of charge, at the same you have the opportunity to donate to the association "Papardes zieds", whose mission is to ensure that everyone's sexual and reproductive rights are implemented so that everyone has access to quality services and choices are made based on quality information
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