To protect SexHack community from fake and anonymous participants and no-show ups, we ask to make a donation (10, 20 or 30 EUR) during the registration process. Donations will go to Papardes zieds which is one of the biggest non-governmental organizations in Latvia, which for many years now successfully works on reproductive health and rights issues. In the case, you would like to participate, but can not afford to pay, please contact us.
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SexHack Hackathon is a sprint-like event where participants team up and create solutions to real-life challenges in an intense period of time. Using creativity, technology and mentoring, the weekend results in prototypes, fresh new concepts and innovative usages of tech.

01/04 - Announcement and pre-registration
08/04 -18:00 EEST, Kick-off event, mentors and event agenda announcement
16/04 - Practical info for participants, mentors and partners
17/04 - SexHack Day 1 Desire and Foreplay
18/04 - SexHack Day 2 Excitement
19/04 - SexHack Day 3 Happy ending!
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Feel free to send us a message. We really love to communicate! :)
Vecā ostmala 24, Liepāja, LV-3401, Latvia