Challenge: Education
Idea Type: New idea
Team: Looking for a new team members - Business; Design; Tech; Field expert
IDEA: SEX-ED for non-sex educated adults
There are societies where sex education is openly taught in schools and there are others where it's still considered a taboo. As prohibition often invites to brake the rules, the web and more experienced acquaintances become main sources of information even though not the best.

An app that clusters evidence-based sex-ed in the form of paper summaries, links and professional chatting, sex-ed entertainment modules and suggestions (books, movies, art, games, etc...) and a feedback system to keep track of the emotional state of the user. Wearables might be incorporated to -for example- measure anxiety levels and mind focus in relation to the user's sexual life.

Idea name: SEX-ED for non-sex educated adults
Idea Type: New idea
Challenge: Education
Team: Looking for a new team members - Business; Design; Tech; Field expert
Idea Author: Carlos Arguedas
Discuss idea in the slack thread: here

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