Challenge: Education
Idea Type: New idea
Team: Looking for a new team members - Business; Design; Tech
IDEA: The person behind a label
There is a strong negative correlation between being trans-homophobic and direct contact with gay and trans people. That is, the less you have known someone with a sexual orientation and/or gender identity different from the "normative" ones, the more likely you are to maintain stereotypes and negative thoughts about them; at the same time, the more trans-homophobic someone is, the less likely they are to engage with people believed to be gay or trans, leading to the maintenance of such negative beliefs.
Additionally, most people tend to infer others' sexual orientation and gender identity based on how they look or behave.
The main concept can be summed up in the following way: "Are you able to effectively infer others' sexual orientation and gender identity? We don't think so", facing negative beliefs as well as showing that we are all people, regardless of labels and apparent differences.

This goal may be reached through a web-sites, in which people, regardless of their sexuality and gender identity, can introduce themselves as people, highlighting what make them special as a person, what they like and what they dislike, or anything they are willing to share about themselves not strictly linked to their identity. It is important in this case to constantly remind users of the following question: "are you able to infer their sexual orientation and/or gender identity?" in order to effectively counter negative beliefs.

Furthermore, a positive community may be built so that people can engage with one another, based on what they have in common.

In addition, a Q&A section can be created, such that users may actively ask something and specialists on the field can answer.

In order to spread this concept to the most conservative people, the web-site can be used by educators, teachers, and specialists.

Finally, a section of crowdfunding can also be integrated, on one side, to maintain the web-site alive, but also to raise money for local associations, for example, or for other similar projects.

Idea name: The person behind a label
Idea Type: New idea
Challenge: Education
Team: Looking for a new team members - Business; Design; Tech
Idea Author: Carla Tortora
Discuss idea in the slack thread: here

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