Problem: Many victims of rape and sexual abuse including victims are minors have to overcome their situation alone and this often leads to depression and suicide.Many woman are raped and abused everyday even during a lockdown. In the first week alone of South Africa's lockdown, 87000 cases of rape and woman/child were opened. Because of a weak justice system, only about 1% will make it to court . The victim will need to live with this for the rest of their lives.
I want to this use hackathon to build a platform where these victims around the world can help each other, have support groups, communicate with psychologists and report any abuse they are receiving.
I want to this use hackathon to build a platform where these victims can help each other, have support groups, communicate with psychologists and report any abuse they are receiving.The platform will be web-based
Idea name: Overcome
Idea Type: New idea
Challenge: Privacy and security; Education; Health
Team: Looking for a new team members - Design
Idea Author: Lyle Davids
Discuss idea in the slack thread: here